Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Our new lil pal

Last night, Luke found a little bird in our backyard. As I got closer I realized that one of his wings looked broken. I put some gloves on and picked him up. I lightly tossed him in the air, but he just came tumbling down. So now we are watching him, and Luke is even trying to feed him worms. Here are a couple of pics of our new lil pal!


Jana Kay said...

Aw! Your first test at parenthood! :) It will be really cool if he survives!

Ledbetter Fam said...

That's sweet that you guys are taking care of the bird. I'm glad to see that you are blogging again and that you don't have a broken thumb. Congrats on the refurbished Jeep! Hee Hee!

Juli Beth

Melody said...

What a cute little bird! I like the blog! I found the Mullins, Awtrys & Hobbs from yours & added them as well! How fun! Have a good weekend!