Well, I met with the dr. and surgery is set for Nov. 6. She can do it laproscopically (sp?) which is good, but the only risk is that since it is so big, she said if she can't see a certain portion of my ovary tissue that she will have to take my ovary as well. So we are praying that she can see what she needs to and only has to take the cyst. She said the cyst does look simple by the pictures, nothing to be suspicious of (cancerous) which is great news! So now, it's time to store up as much milk as I can since I have to do the most depressing thing...pump and dump.
My friend Leigh just had 3 cysts removed. They did have to take her left ovary because the cyst was so big and had already done so much damage. They don't think they will have an issue with fertility though! :) We are praying for you!
Oh...dumping liquid gold! That is what it feels like doesn't it?! I nearly DIED when we lost 60 oz of my frozen milk to hurricane Ike!
We will be praying for you about this. Love reading your blog and catching up with your family. You all are so cute!!!
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