Saturday, August 11, 2007

I'm still here

I know it's been a while, sorry to my loyal readers! Life has been crazy and stressful. A lot has happened since last time I wrote. One big thing....we thought we were going to have an oops! (pregnant). But after a stressful waiting period, we got the results back and were negative. The good thing that came out of it is that we now know we are a little closer to being ready when that time does comes! Life at work has been very busy for both Luke and I. We both have had some late nights this past week. But I would rather be busy at work rather than be sitting there bored having nothing to do.
This weekend has been busy as well. This morning I had a baby shower for Kaison Hobbs and I went straight from there to Yukon for a wedding at 2 which I was the guest book person. I finally got home at 5 and got to relax and swim for a little while. Tomorrow we have Brother's Keepers at our house, so we need to spot clean our house and get all the food ready for that. The good thing is that we don't have that much to clean since we did a lot of that last weekend. And also if you know my husband you would know why it's not that dirty!! :) haha
Luke had a great day today as well. He went over to a friends house early this morning and watched both of the first Bourne movies, and then went to the theater to watch Bourne Ultimatum. It is a really good movie! I would recommend it if you haven't seen it yet. Well, this post is getting long, so I will close. I promise to do better in the future of updating!!! Until next time...

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