Saturday, June 11, 2011

Side hobby

One thing that I like to do is take pics for fun. While with my sis last week, she informed me that she has not taken one single picture this entire pregnancy....she is having the baby this Tuesday people. So, after I scolded her, I told her I would come do a little fun photo shoot so we can have some proof that this baby actually belonged to her!!

Also got a few pics of Autumn with the boys!

I have a few of Autumn that I took by herself, but will have to post those later. Don't want to ruin any Father's Day surprises!!


Julia said...

Lovely photos. I want to see more of her pictures here.

How is your sister now?

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sunny29 said...

Awesome Photos,
i would like to see more..
The style of baby is very good in all the photos.

Seo Perth

Unknown said...

very cute baby

Unknown said...
