Thursday, April 9, 2009

20 down, 20 to go!

That's right folks....I'm half way there and this week starting to actually look pregnant!!  I had a dr. appt. today and Autumn is doing great!  The best news is that I finally gained weight!  I never thought I would appreciate the phrase, "wow, you've gained 5 lbs.!"  I also have finally felt Autumn move a couple times now!!  It is so neat!  For all the out of town family and friends, I will try to take a belly pic soon and post it.

Not a whole lot has been going on.  Just trying to get everything done and ready before August.  I did get to go with my sis and nephew to the zoo last Friday.  We were watching the bears, and one came down and jumped in the water.  To Finn's surprise, he said "I didn't know bears could swim!"  Then the bear got out after a while and went next to a tree, got up on his back two feet and started scratching his back for a long time on the branch....again Finn surprised, "I didn't know bears could stand on two feet!"  He watched with amazement and then said, " that a people bear?"  haha  (They call the Easter Bunny at the mall a people bunny).  We reassured him that it was a real bear and you don't want to get too close to it!  I just love kids outlook on life!

Well this will be a busy weekend for us.  We have the Fun Run dinner on Friday night, then Saturday morning is the Fun Run (well, for me, Fun Walk!).  Of course Sunday will be spent with family for Easter and then BK Sunday night.  Whew...getting tired just thinking about it!  

Well, I think that is all I know for now!!  Hope you all have a wonderful Easter Sunday!!  I love my family!  Until next time...

1 comment:

Jana said...

Oh! I miss you! I can't wait to see your belly!!! :) Sure wish I was there to be prego together...