Last Monday, my sister had a baby boy! Leif (pronounced Lafe) Coleman Garner was born as healthy as could be!!! Check out the thick hair!
He looks identical to my nephew Finn when he was born...a little freaky! Holding him made me more anxious and excited for Autumn to come! I'm so glad that our babies will be so close together!
Everything is still going good, the only new thing is that I now have to do non-stress tests twice a week up at Mercy hospital until Autumn comes. So that means in the month of July, I will be at the hospital 3 out of the 4 nights (for tests and birthing class)! So if you need me, you know the first place to look! It looks like I have a new home away from home! Maybe they'll let me decorate my own room!!!
Don't really know much more, just wanted to give a quick update! Have a great week! Until next time...