Here are some funny things she has said lately...
- hearing people talk either on the radio or a different room where she can't see them..."I hear 'em....I hear the peoples!!"
- right after she gets dressed or when I ask her if she likes a certain thing, "Sooooo cute, so precious, I like that!" Her new word this week she likes to use a lot is precious!
- after taking a drink of juice out of mommy's cup, "I got a mustache!!" (We have never said anything about a mustache before when drinking!)
I tried to get video of her yesterday. Again, she was reading so animated and knew all the words to a book, so I grabbed the camera half way through and then.....nothing! So I turned the screen her way so she could watch herself read. She would start to say a few words and then realize she was watching herself on camera and bust out into singing "Happy Birthday!" By the way, she is OBSESSED with this song when you want to video her. That is all she wants to sing! So I may start a sing-a-gram business for Autumn to sing Happy Birthday to people since that is all I can get out of her when the camera gets turned on!
Nothing really exciting going on here since we are staying inside trying not to melt! I am getting everything ready for her 2nd birthday in a couple weeks. So stay tuned for some Sesame Street party fun and some adorable pics I captured of her for her 2 year pics!